Hefe Weizen
(Bavarian Wheat Beer)
You Will Need:
- 1 MJ Craft Series Bavarian Wheat
- 1 Kg Liquid Wheat Malt
- 45g Hersbrucker Hop Pellets
- In advance of preparing recipe, chill 5-10 litres of water in the fridge.*
- Place half (500g) of the Liquid Wheat Malt and 30g Hersbrucker Hops in a saucepan with 2 litres of water.
- Bring to the boil, stirring occasionally and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Add remaining 15g Hersbrucker Hops, remove saucepan from heat and cover.
- Cool the mixture by placing saucepan in sink filled with cold water for ten minutes.
- Add cooled wort to your fermenter along with the contents of the MJ Craft Series Bavarian Wheat satchel and remaining Liquid Wheat Malt.
- Top up to 23L using chilled and cold water to reach a starting temperature of 20-24°C, stirring vigorously to aerate the wort.
- Add the MJ Bavarian Wheat yeast** (included in the kit), seal fermenter and maintain 18 - 21°C temperature***
* Use sanitised containers with lids. Use chilled water to reach pitching temperature and add yeast immediately.
** The included MJ yeast is ideal for authentic Wheat beer flavours. For a more neutral flavour, use Safale US-05.
*** Try to maintain a cool, even temperature in the fermenter. The ideal temperature for an ale yeast is 18-21°C. Place your fermenter next to brick walls or on a cement slab. Wrap it in a towel with one end in water or use frozen drink bottles around fermenter, if the temperature is too high. Use an old fridge with a Brewers Choice Brewing Thermostat for ideal brewing conditions.