New Zealand Pils

New Zealand Pils

New Zealand Pils

You will need:

  • 1 Can MJ Czech Pilsner – 1.7kg

  • 1 kg Unhopped Liquid Light Malt

  • 500g Dextrose

  • 1 Lager/Pilsner Grain Pack

  • 15g Saaz Finishing Hops

  • 1 Packet Saf W34/70 Yeast




  1. Well in advance of preparing recipe, place 10 litres of water in a fridge and chill*
  2. Place Lager/Pilsner Grain Pack and 1 litre of hot tap water in a pot and steep for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the grain through a sieve into a saucepan. Rinse the grain with another 500mls hot water and collect this liquid in the saucepan as well.
  4. Bring the liquid to the boil and add 15gms Saaz Hops Pellets. Boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Add the liquid to the fermenter, with the Pilsner Kit, Liquid Malt and Dextrose. Stir to dissolve.
  6. Add chilled water to make up 22 litres at 20-25°C and stir vigorously for 5 minutes.
  7. Add Saflager Yeast, stir gently, seal fermenter.  Leave for 6-8 hours for fermentation to   commence and then store at 12°C ***
  8. Once fermentation is complete, allow the fermenter to warm up to 20°C. Bottle after 2 days


*  Use sterilized containers with lids. Do not leave your fermenter to cool before adding yeast, as this increases the chance of an infection.  Use the chilled water to reach a satisfactory temperature and add yeast immediately. 


** Try to maintain a cool, even temperature in the fermenter, ideally at 12°C. Place your fermenter next to brick walls or on a cement slab, or wrap it in a towel with one end in water, if the temperature is too high.  Use a Brewers Choice Brewing Thermostat and old fridge for optimum brewing conditions and great tasting beer.

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