A full-bodied yet balanced brown ale, with hints of nutty caramel and distinctive English hops.
You will need:
- 1 Amber Ale Artisan Fresh Wort
- 1 Dark Ale grain pack
- 20g E.K Goldings Hops (15 min boil)
- 10g E.K. Goldings Hops (0 min boil)
- British Ale II (WY1335), Safale S04 or MJ M36 Liberty Bell
- Well in advance of preparing recipe, place 5-10 litres of water in a fridge and chill*
- Place dark ale grain pack in 1 litre of hot tap water and steep for 20 minutes.
- Strain the grain through a sieve into a saucepan. Rinse grain with another litre of hot water and discard the grain.
- Bring grain wort to the boil and simmer 20g of E.K Goldings hops in a boiling bag.
- After 15 minutes, turn off the heat, add 10g E.K. Goldings hops and steep for 10 minutes.
- Remove hop sock and pour hot wort into the fermenter.
- Add the fresh wort, top up with chilled and tap water to 20L at 20-25°C and stir vigorously for 5 minutes.
- Add British Ale II (WY1335), Safale SO4 or MJ M07 yeast, seal fermenter and store in cool conditions **
* Use sanitised containers with lids. Use chilled water to reach a satisfactory temperature and add yeast immediately.
** Maintain a cool, even temperature in the fermenter, ideally at 20°C. If temperature is too high, place your fermenter next to a brick wall or on a cement slab, or wrap it in a towel with one end in water. Use a Brewers Choice Brewing Thermostat and old fridge for optimum brewing conditions.