You will need:
- 1 Can Morgan’s Dockside Stout
- 1 kg Light Dried Malt
- 1 Stout Grain Pack
- 1 Pale Ale/Bitter Grain Pack (Optional)
- 15g Fuggles Hop Pellets
- 1 Packet Safale S04 Yeast
- Well in advance of preparing recipe, place 5-10 litres of water in closed containers in a fridge and chill*
- Place Stout Grain Pack and 1 litre of hot tap water in a pot and steep for 30 minutes**
- Strain the grain into a saucepan and rinse sieve with another litre of boiling water. Throw grain away.
- Add 250gm Light Dried Malt in saucepan with grain wort and bring wort to boil.
- Add Fuggles Hop Pellets and boil for 5-10 minutes, then pour all into the fermenter.
- Pour Morgans Dockside Stout and rest of Light Dried Malt in fermenter and mix.
- Add chilled water to make up 20 litres at 20-25°C and stir vigorously.
- Add Safale Yeast, seal fermenter and store in cool conditions, preferably 18-20°C***.
* Use sterilized containers with lids. Do not leave your fermenter to cool before adding yeast, as this increases the chances of an infection. Use the chilled water to reach a satisfactory temperature and add yeast immediately.
** 300gm of Crystal grain can be added with the Stout Grain pack when steeping for a sweeter stout.
*** Maintain a cool, even temperature in the fermenter. The ideal temperature for Safale yeasts is 18-20°C. Place your fermenter next to brick walls or on a cement slab, or wrap it in a towel with one end in water. Use a Brewers Choice Brewing Thermostat and old fridge for optimum brewing conditions.