Shiny Blue 1.066
(Belgian dubbel - Chimay style)
You will need:
- 1Kg Light Liquid Malt
- 1kg A1mber Liquid Malt
- 1kg Light Dried Malt
- 500g Dark Dried Malt
- 200g Caramunich Grain
- 200g Special B or CaraAroma Grain
- 250g Dark Belgian Candi Sugar
- 30g Styrian Goldings (5.0% AA) - 60min boil
- 2 x T58 Yeast or White Labs Trappist Ale Yeast
- 1 tsp yeast Nutrient
- 500g Dextrose
- Well in advance of preparing recipe, place 15 litres of water in closed containers in a fridge and chill
- In a large pot, bring 4 litres of water to the boil and add the 2kg of liquid malt. Add 30g Styrian Goldings Hops and set timer for 60 minute count down.
- In a separate bowl, steep grains in 1 litre of water out of the hot tap, for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid through a sieve into the pot of boiling malt and hops. Discard the grains.
- After boiling for 45 minutes, stir in Candi Sugar and dry malt powders.
- At the end of the 60 minutes, add the pot of boiled malt and hops to your fermenter and top up with the pre-cooled water. Add any additional water to make up total volume to 23 litres at between 18° - 24°C) and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 18° - 24°C.
- After the beer has fermented for 4 days, add the 500g of dextrose, and continue to ferment until a stable hydrometer reading is attained.
NOTE: This brew depends a lot on the yeast. To ensure all the sugars are fermented and a nice dry beer results - use a good dose of healthy Belgian yeast, preferably Liquid Yeast, and some yeast Nutrient.
This brew will take a little longer than usual to fully finish fermenting (at least 2 weeks is normal), so be patient and don’t rush the beer into the bottles. It will need a little longer to mature as well. Its worth it!